Thursday, June 14, 2007

You Know You Are From Bay Shore if...
1. You understand why I am typing this in maroon.
2. You have eaten at Leggios and just reading this makes your mouth water.
3. You know you are from Bay Shore if you know someone named Knapp. There are about 1,000 of them! Maybe more.
4. Already you are thinking about sending this to your friends from Bay Shore.
5. You know you are from Bay Shore if you know what a Marauder is and you can spell it.
6. You have eaten Pizza at Mulberry Street or Ginos.
7. You love being 45 minutes to the city and 45 minutes out from the city.
8. You have had a round trip ride on the Fire Island Ferries.
9. You would rather stay home for summer vacation than travel.
10.Your home away from home is the beach.
11. You still call the South Shore Mall the South Shore Mall.
12. You argue with people who is better the Mets or the Yankees and the only way you are going to a Ducks game is if someone gives
a ticket for free.
13. You know you are from Bay Shore if you know someone who was born in Southside Hospital!
14. You know where Southside Hosiptal is.
15. You know someone who has worked there or works there now.
16. You know you are from Bay Shore if Spanish speaking people don't sound strange to you.
17. You know you are from Bay Shore if you are used to living in a neighborhood without sidewalks and you don't want it to change.
18. You can be on Howells Road one second and then on Bay Shore Road the next and Howells Road again and you only made one turn.
19, Exit 41S sounds good.
20. Peter Pan is much more than a fairy tale or a Disney movie.
21.. You are smiling right now and thinking- I gotta get over to Leggios for a hero!
and finally no matter where you go Bay Shore, the heart of Long Island's South Shore is in your heart and it will never leave it!

Inspired by my beautiful daughter Tina Marie Mancini

Tina and I at the Peter Pan Diner

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