Wednesday, May 30, 2012

At the Marina

Last evening I drove down to the marina. The bay was rough to say the least! The wind was gusting and the air was full of salt. The temperature was very cool. It felt like at least 10 degrees cooler than when I left my house just 2 miles away.

There were people everywhere. I enjoyed watching them. Some were getting soaked as they fished by the waves breaking over the dock. Others were exercising or just walking. A few daring souls were  swimming!

I picked up my Bible and read Psalm 33 and Psalm 104. God's creation is amazing. He made it for us to enjoy. I have taken full advantage of His gift.

He made the sea and everything in it. Even the seaweed! While it seems to be an annoyance to many each spring I load up bags of this free fertilizer and put it all around my tomato plants. It has nutrients we can not get from the dry land. It keeps weeds down and it helps retain moisture around the plants. It also contains some residue saline from the water. In Israel there is a little saline in the water in parts of the Negev. That salt ends up making their grape tomatoes the sweetest on earth. God is too much. His mercies are new every morning!

Enjoy His Creation this summer!

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