Saturday, June 23, 2012

Last Evening's Thunderstorms

Having grown up on Long Island, I can recall some pretty wild summer thunderstorms. However many time because of our topography and geography we can miss the boomers that New Jersey and Upstate NY get hit with. Long Island's weather is unique. We can get rain when the rest of the state is shoveling out snow. We get lots of sunshine.

Yesterday afternoon we got hit with some tremendous storms, knocking out power and causing local flooding. I happened to be in my Bronco with 2 grandkids when they rolled in. We had gone to the Great South Bay to swim and had enjoyed some fun when the dark clouds rolled in. The kids  wanted to stay and watch the storm come so we did. Lightening was striking all over. Wind and rain came. It was a sight! Watching it with two children I dearly love added to the excitement.

Life can bring storms. Sometimes it can bring a steady rain. Financial trouble in this economy is widespread. Stress on families is great. Sometimes an ongoing medical condition can bring unspeakable steady stress. I love the saying my daughter has up in her living room. "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It is learning to dance in the rain."

Jesus told about two men, a foolish one and a wise one. The foolish built his house on the sand, the wise on the rock. The storms came, the floods rose and beat against both homes. The foolish one's came down with a crash while the house on the rock stood firm. He is the Rock of Ages. Build your life on him and you will weather life's storms.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Roosevelt Field

Back when Roosevelt Field was a shopping center, before it was enclosed into the huge mall it is today, there were little huts where Hot Pretzels were sold. I believe they were 3 for 35 cents. I remember my dad buying them for us and enjoying one himself.

Life was certainly much simpler back then. We didn't have all the technology we have today. We talked and played more together.

Can I suggest something to those who are parents, grandparents and uncles and aunts? Children still very much need and want time, our undivided attention and to be with them, enjoying what they enjoy. It is amazing how Little League is still Little League and how the backyard is still an adventure for kids when an adult is there to converse with them.

Father's Day is a week from Sunday. Children are in need of their Dad. Some do not have one. Be a Dad to them! If you have children, grandkids or other relatives who are young, the moments spent with them are priceless.

Some thoughts from the Island this day.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Four Seasons

One of the things we are noted for on the Island is our four distinct seasons. My Aunt Vivian used to travel up from southern Florida and spend a month here in the spring because she missed it so bad in the south. My friend, Roy Probeyahn, calls our fall, "Long Island's Best Kept Secret". There is nothing like the beach, either Jones Beach or Robert Moses, in the summer. Our winters are winters most of the time. It can get bitterly cold in the 6 weeks of deep freeze we have In January and February but this year proved it can as mild as spring with no snow days (sorry kids!)

Life is full of seasons. Change is something we must adjust to or we are in for some difficult times emotionally. Loss is part of life. So are new things.

In the changes you are experiencing now, one thing is certain: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever! Look to Him this day!