Monday, June 4, 2012

Roosevelt Field

Back when Roosevelt Field was a shopping center, before it was enclosed into the huge mall it is today, there were little huts where Hot Pretzels were sold. I believe they were 3 for 35 cents. I remember my dad buying them for us and enjoying one himself.

Life was certainly much simpler back then. We didn't have all the technology we have today. We talked and played more together.

Can I suggest something to those who are parents, grandparents and uncles and aunts? Children still very much need and want time, our undivided attention and to be with them, enjoying what they enjoy. It is amazing how Little League is still Little League and how the backyard is still an adventure for kids when an adult is there to converse with them.

Father's Day is a week from Sunday. Children are in need of their Dad. Some do not have one. Be a Dad to them! If you have children, grandkids or other relatives who are young, the moments spent with them are priceless.

Some thoughts from the Island this day.

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