Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Long Island State of Mind

I lived ON Long Island not IN Long Island; When I leave New York, I say I am from Long Island and everyone is expected to know where that is. II say "yo" often and cal people by an abbreviated form of the name. For instance my name is Larry but I am called "La". 

Mustard should never be considered as a burger condiment and I know what real pizza and coffee taste like. I know that a bagel is more then just a roll with a hole in the middle and it's a hero, not a hoagie, or a sub, and I wash it all down with soda, not pop or cola.  All good nights must end at a diner. Every town has one. It is the place where all out of town visitors want to go. 
Yea, it sounds like I spell "walk," and "talk" with W's in them but you're the one that actually tawks weird (and do not try to tell me that "dog" rhymes with "log"). I don't go down to the shore, it's called the beach and I have one 20 minutes away in every direction. I know that 55mph really means 90 and a yellow light means floor it. When someone cuts me off they get the horn ... they expect it. 

The sun shines here most days. We have four distinct seasons and although we complain about the humidity in the summer and the cold in the winter we love it here. Fall is our best kept secret. Come here in September or October and  you will understand.

I go to The City, not Manhattan and I am not dumb enough to take a car there when I do. "New Yorkers" who are not from The Island or from The City, are "upstate" and therefore not really from New York. I'm from Long Island and we are self contained. We never see a need to leave and when we do can't wait to get back.

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