Those looking to seek relief from the steamy weather by taking a dip in Zach's Bay were thwarted for a second day by a lurking thresher shark -- at least until it was caught Friday afternoon.
The words dreaded by swimmers -- "Shark! Shark!" -- rang out at Zach's Bay at Jones Beach State Park about 1:30 p.m., causing the 50 people in the water to run out.
Within a half hour, the shark had made it to shore. Three lifeguards caught it by the tail, muscled it into a plastic container sans lid, and carted it away on an all-terrain vehicle as crowds gathered to catch a glimpse.
Tim Byrne, the park's director of operations who first spotted the shark Thursday, said it was the same one that prompted officials to close the same beach to bathers that day.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
From Facebook... You know you are from Long Island If...
2. You know exactly what they mean when they say "Don't change at Jamaica."
3. You know that The Drift Inn and Neptunes are in the same building, but you also know that they are NOTHING alike.
4. Screw the SAT, you know the exact pronuncuation of Islip, Wantagh, Commack, Mattituck, Shinnecock, Quogue, Ronkonkoma, Hauppauge, Mineola, Islandia, Massapequa, and Patchogue.
5. You and your friends are going to the beach, but the word beach never comes up in the conversation. Instead, it sounds something like this..."Well, we could go to Jones, but Robert Moses is closer, the North Shore is too rocky...whatever lets go to the Hamptons."
6. You have no idea what jimmies are, or why someone would want to put them on their ice cream
7. You have never used "wicked" as an adjective
8. You know that Americana Manhasset is NOT a type of coffee
9. You know that it's possible to take Jericho all the way to queens...but you would never EVER do it
10. Parallel parking in your drivers ed class was only had to do it next to one car
11. You live in the shadow of the greatest city in the world, but you almost never go there.
12. When you're away from Long Island, you love it and when you're home, you don't.
13. You think if you're not from Long Island or NYC, you're not really from New York.
14. You know the exact point at which Queens turns into Nassau simply on intuition.
15. You don't go to Manhattan, you go to "The City."
16. You never realize you have an accent till you leave.
17. Everything north of the Bronx is "upstate."
18. At some point in your life you've gone clamming.
19. Either your parents or your grandparents lived in the city.
20. You'd pay $11.50 for a movie.
21. You don't live in Long Island. You live ON Long Island.
22. You know where the Commack Motor Inn is.
23. Your distant future might involve the state of Florida.
24. You know the location of 6 malls and a dozen McDonalds and 36 7-11's.
25. You've tried to find the Amityville Horror house.
26. No, you don't want mustard on that burger!!
27. You can't understand why a diner would ever close.
28. You've had a seagull poop on your car.
29. You don't really see the big deal about the Hamptons, unless you got smashed at the Boardy Barn.
30. You know White Castle is terrible for you and it gives you a stomach ache, but you periodically "Get the Crave."
31. You want the Yankees to stay in the Bronx, but would probably go to more games if they moved to Manhattan.
32. You think that somehow, the Jets and Giants still play in New York.
33. You've missed that "Drunk Train," the 2:42 out of Penn, and had the dreaded wait until 5:30.
34. You or someone you know has owned an animal that came from North Shore Animal League.
35. You've never taken an MTA bus.
36. The Long Island Expressway isn't really as bad as everybody thinks.
37. You don't associate Fire Island with gay men.
38. You know which parts of the Godfather were filmed on Long Island.
39. You've paid a $10 cover charge to get into a bar, but got nothing for it.
40. You miss whiffle ball and running through sprinklers.
41. Billy Joel said it best, "either you date a rich girl from the North Shore, or a cool girl from the South Shore."
42. You have or someone you know has fallen asleep on the LIRR and ended up in one of these three places; Babylon, Port Washington or Hicksville.
43. You know that there is a big different between any of the other hamptons, and hampton bays
44. The Belt Parkway sucks!
45. You've been stuck in a traffic jam for more than 2 hours (without moving).
46. Your parents took you to All American, Nathans or Carvel (on the way home from the beach).
47. You don't have to go far to see your family.
48. You remember Grumman.
49. You know the color of the water at Jones Beach is not BLUE!
50. You were upset when all the Roy Rogers turned into Wendy's and Arby's closed for good.
51. You can spout off all the LIRR stops between Penn Station and Ronkonkoma.
52. Paying $35 for a haircut doesn't sound so crazy.
53. You think the people from Brooklyn are "da wunz dat tawk wit a accent."
54. You went sledding in the sumps.
55. You knew of Massapequa before the Amy Fisher-Joey Buttafuoco nightmare.
56. You think going to Queens is a hike.
57. The first time you heard the term "Long Island Iced Tea" you were somewhere else and you laughed.
58. When you live somewhere else and are astounded to see that people actually stop at yellow lights.
59. Its rare to get really bad bagels or pizza on long island, almost as rare as it is to get good bagels and pizza anywhere else.
60. You can name at least three bands that came from Long Island.
61. You've partied in the woods at least once in your life.
62. You know what Pilgram State and Sweet Hallow Road are...and you are NEVER going again
63. You are never more then 20 minutes away from the water.
64. You have been to at least one concert at jones beach.
65. When you hear "the end", you think Montauk. Orient Point never crosses your mind.
66. Wandering around Fire Island trashed is an acceptable plan for any night.
67. Doing 90 over the Robert Moses bridge or on Ocean Parkway is perfectly fine.
68. When you say that you are going to "the outlets", Tanger is implied.
69. You have a friends who swears they saw Billy Joel somewhere in Oyster Bay
70. When people ask "where are you from?" you answer Long-Guy-Land and automatically assume everyone in the world knows that answer means New York.
71. You've seen the commercials, and you've craved their shakes, but you know damn well there are no DQ's or Sonics on Long Island.
72. You remember all the good times had at Nunleys, and the emotional distress it caused when it was closed down.
73. When you or someone you know attends SUNY Albany, Buffalo, or Binghamton
74. Half priced appetizers at applebees is an acceptable end to any night.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas On Long Island
We are a train ride away from the city. I can see the Empire State Building with its green and red lights atop right now (in my mind).
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Overflowing Blessings!
I have two young ladies in my church who both work in Pizza Parlor-Italian Restaurants. They have invited Lucy and I to come to their places of employment for dinner or lunch.
I know it is a week away from Thanksgiving. However after we are tired of turkey leftovers, we are going to take them up on the invite- not on the same day of course!
Doesn't that sound delightful?!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Jaws 20
Jones Beach lifeguard Andrew Netter holds a 4- to 5-foot long shark by the tail until state parks officials could remove it from the bathing area. (Newsday / Silvana Velarde / July 18, 2008)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Summer Time On the Island
Friday, March 28, 2008
Long Island: The 51st state?
Long Island: The 51st state?
- 9:40 PM EDT, March 27, 2008
Long Island -- bigger than 19 states and more populous than all but the country's three largest cities -- is big enough to stand on its own, secede and become the 51st state, said Suffolk Comptroller Joseph Sawicki.
Sawicki will formally renew his call to make Nassau and Suffolk -- with their 2.8 million people -- its own state at an 8 a.m. breakfast Friday morning sponsored by Dowling College's Long Island Economic and Social Policy Institute.
"Before you dismiss me as being on the fringe of craziness, just imagine: Taxes raised on Long Island would be spent on Long Island," said Sawicki, dusting off an idea that he first proposed as a state assemblyman in 1991.
Sawicki said the region in 2004 sent $8.1 billion to Albany in taxes and fees but got back only $5.2 billion. "I don't know about you, but I don't like the way these numbers add up," he said. "It leaves Long Island paying for the rest of the state."
Should Long Island pursue statehood?
Such local movements have been a recurring issue across New York for years. Long Island's East End has sought a separate Peconic County, Staten Island has sought to break away from New York City and Queens Councilman Peter Vallone Jr. has also pushed to make New York City a state unto itself. Most such efforts fail because the rest of the Empire State balks at such political amputations.
But Martin Cantor, the institute's director, said the sagging economy and the state's turmoil -- amid resignation of Gov. Eliot Spitzer, the ascension of successor David Paterson and questions over control of the state Senate -- make the time ripe for reviving the idea of Long Island statehood.
"It makes sense now because whether it be Spitzer or Paterson, no attention is being paid to Long Island," Cantor said.
Reaction from top Long Island figures was mixed. Glen Cove Mayor Ralph Suozzi said, "There should be some serious people looking at this," noting that Long Island communities would benefit because tax revenue would remain here. However, he worried that separating from New York would mean reproducing state services here, which could mean higher taxes.
Others were emphatic against the notion. "It's asinine," Smithtown Supervisor Patrick Vecchio.
Some took a more lighthearted view of the idea. Islip Supervisor Philip Nolan said, "The creation of Long Island as the 51st state would set off the best competition ever -- between Tom Suozzi and Steve Levy. That would be brutal. I'd love to watch that."
Staff writers Stacey Altherr, Susana Enriquez, Chau Lam and Jennifer Maloney and Patrick Whittle contributed to this story.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Spring on the Island
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Snowless In New York!
Special to the Sun
January 30, 2008
This month is set to become the first January in 75 years that New York City has been without any measurable snowfall, according to the National Weather Service.
Less than one-tenth of an inch has fallen in a month that usually produces more than eight inches of snow in the city, according to the National Weather Service.
The phenomenon can be traced to the lack of offshore storms, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service, Joseph Pollina, said.
"We've had a number of systems move up the East Coast in not a favorable track for snow," Mr. Pollina said. "Most of the storms have been inland, west of New York City. We haven't really had too much cold air, but when we do, it hasn't coincided with precipitation."
Monday, January 21, 2008
Next Generation
It is geared to a youth audience but all of us can listen! I know the host personally. With all the bad news around today here is some good news!
Wherever you are in the world you can hear this!
Go to: and click on "On Air".
Give a listen and then put a comment up here on the Blog.
Monday, January 7, 2008
You've Got To Love This!

Déjà Vu? Springtime Weather In January Returns
Just Like In 2007, Temperatures To Climb Into 60s In NYC This Week
NEW YORK (CBS) ― For the second straight year, Mother Nature is teasing New Yorkers with a pleasant surprise in January: springtime weather conditions.
Just when it seemed like winter's bite kicked into gear with wind chills in single digits last week, some unexpected mild air is moving into the region and will make for a fantastic start to the work week. By Tuesday, temperatures should hit at least 60 degrees for much of the tri-state region.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
What a Way To Start A New Year!
Winter is supposed to be blowing in any time now.