Friday, October 24, 2014

More About Coach Jim Murrin

A bit of a different post this morning. I want to encourage all of you who work with children or teenagers whether you coach, teach, lead a scouting group or whatever.

My friends and the Bellmore Community lost a great coach yesterday. My good friend, Robert Sanfilippo, called to tell me the news. Last night here on Facebook tributes and memories were shared about Coach Jim Murrin. They will continue throughout the weekend and as we gather Sunday afternoon to pay our final respects.

He had a tremendous influence on an entire generation. I always think about him when I pass Jerusalem Avenue Junior High School on Southern State Parkway.

He was dedicated. I can still see him out there in the cold wet early spring weather, on the practice football field having us run sprints down to him as he waved his hands for us to run. I can see him at the finish line of the last race I ran in 9th grade.

He called us to be our best. He would not accept anything less. 45 years later he still influences all who he coached. He had patience with us. He made everyone feel a part of the team. Like Robert and others said, he was the one we would go back to see when we visited our former school.

Working with children and teens is more of a challenge today. Much more! But we need the Jim Murrins among us! So when you feel overwhelmed and exhausted from your work with them, remember the big picture. The things you say, the things you do, the way you lead are going to have a positive impact on those kids their whole lives, much more than you can imagine! Keep up the good work!

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